
My name is Melissa, and I am known as Tomboy Nanny. I have been a nanny for over 15 years, a BA in early childhood education, and I am always taking new classes so I stay up to date with anything to do with parenting and childcare.

The Virtual Nanny

After my many years of nannying I have learned so much in the ways of discipline, nutrition, sleep training, and many other subjects. I now want to share that with parents regardless of where they live! I do virtual one-on-one trainings, plus in-person consultations in the Los Angeles area. 

New Client Survey

If you would like to sign up for a FREE consultation, or just contact me for more information, please fill out my survey and I will email you back as soon as possible.

I hope I can help you with any of your childcare questions! When I am not working with children, I love to crochet and I also hosted a podcast where I interviewed fellow nannies on how we can continue our education an provide top-notch childcare. Links to both of these ventures can be found on the right.